Monday, January 19, 2015

Holidays (YinnYi)

I did many things during the holidays, but out of all only few has left impacts on me. i went to Borocay, Philipines for 5d4n. as i went to the beach, the water was extremely clear and there was fishes swimming around. i tried parasailing for the first time and the boat pulled us along as the wind blew against the parachute. From a height that tall, I could see the whole island of borocay and the sea seemed endless. Although it may seem a little terrifying, but it is really fun once u experience the thrill of parasailing.

Another activity that left a very deep impression of me was orientation 2015. I was part of the 46 facils that were chosen for this event. We had to stay overnight in school for one night, and our OCs created a whatsapp group for all facils to bond and there was so many messages coming in per minute that some fellow facils phone lagged and the app could not be opened. When I walked into the room where all facils were supposed to be gathered, it was really awkward, and there were so many faces I couldn’t reognise. But after 2 days of cheering, dancing, playing, learning with them, I made a a lot of new friends, and forged strong bonds with existing friends. I found friends that I could relate everything to and they were just for me when im alone. After the training, I was really looking forward to the next training, which was about 1 month later. Throughout the next few trainings, I got to make even more friends, and got to know facils that were in the same family group as me. We learned new dances, new cheers, new values… we got really high at times, dancing to songs and just dancing to everything. I remember playing games and there was one that I could remember clearly. Our family group had to use toothpaste to draw out something that represents us and we drew a mother and a child with the words “长不大” on it as it was our group name. however, after we all finished drawing, our final task was to put all the toothpaste that were squeezed out back into the tube. 

We all had a hard time trying to put everything back and ended up having toothpaste all over our hands. After that, our ocs explained that this game was to teach us that words spoken are very hard to take back, and even if it was taken back, it would still leave a mark behind. This game has taught me to be more careful about my words when talking to friends, or seniors and I would thus phrase my words carefully before saying them.
Very soon, the actual orientation arrived, and the morning of the first day, I was in charge of taking attendance for my facil class 1H. while taking their attendance, I asked them a few questions and I found out they are very open, and willing to talk to me even though they wasn’t sure who I was at that time. During the whole orientation, 1H surprised me even more by cheering along with cheers, and being really high and dancing to songs as well. 

During orientation night, I cried halfway through the video montage showing all photos that were taken during this whole orientation. During that time, I felt that I was really lucky to be part of my juniors first few days in rv, and I felt that I have impacted them in one way or another. I knew that I would talk to fellow facils lesser and lesser after orientation, but I didn’t want this bond between all of us to die. I have made really really close friends and didn’t want them to leave after everything.

At the last day of orientation, I received notes from 1H, and someone even specially drew out a picture for us. As we had a mass rap web in the band room, one of the facils took this chance to thank everyone that participated in orientation, and the year1s, were really touched and most of them were already in tears. Afterwards , it was part of rv’s tradition to let year1s write letters to their parents, while the facils were just crying non-stop.

Up unti now, 1H has never stopped giving me endless warmth, and they are really really bonded, thus fulfilling my own self goal. When asked, all of them wanted to be facils when they are in year2, and that’s when I realized how much facils impacted them. Ive really really learnt a lot from this whole orientation, including teamwork, and social awareness. This so far has been the best thing tat has ever happened to me and if I could I would like to be part of orientation 2016 again. 

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